According to a study by the Ramsey Solutions research team, 40% of Americans say their financial situation has caused them to lose sleep in the past month. If that’s you, it’s time to make a change. Take the first step and take back control of your finances by signing up for Financial Peace University class at: https://www.financialpeace.com/app/classes/2AB3C1.
The class (and better sleep) starts on August 9th at Willowbrook Church at 6:00 PM. Ready? Let’s do this.
Wednesdays at 6:00-7:30 PM
At the Huntsville Campus, Room 133
Led by Brad and Leisa Taylor
Registration Required
To join the class click on the button below
Childcare is available. Click on the links below to see what we offer for different age groups.
To see what we have for preschoolers click here.
To see what we have for grade schoolers click here.
To see what we have for middle and high school students click here.

Church in Huntsville, AL
7625 Bailey Cove Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35802
P | 256.883.0907
446 Jeff Rd NW, Huntsville, AL 35806
P | 256.970.6565
Sunday Service Times
Huntsville Campus
8:00, 9:15, & 10:45 AM
Madison Campus
9:15 & 10:45 AM
Huntsville Campus
Madison Campus