Local Missions Serving Opportunities

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2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of the fourth-grade will likely end up in jail or on welfare. In middle income neighborhoods the ratio of books per child is 13:1; in low income neighborhoods, the ratio is 1 age-appropriate book for every 300 children. 61% of low-income families have no books at all in their homes for their children. There is hope! Research reveals that children in poverty who read proficiently by the end of the third grade have an 89% graduation rate. If a child can read, a child can succeed.
Arise2Read takes an active role in the development of children in our public schools through the presence of volunteers focused on literacy. We tutor students one hour per week utilizing a simple sight word approach. We also provide books for the students to enhance literacy.
The CARE Center exists to share the love and hope of Christ while empowering our neighbors in Southeastern Madison County through education, employment, and crisis support. Their mission currently serves the communities of Owens Cross Roads, Brownsboro, New Hope, and Gurley.
Using a highly developmental and individualstic approach, the CARE Center supports local schools through summer and after-school care programs, Bags of Blessings, and ongoing academic enrichment. Additional programs inchlue GED classes, college/career counseling for ages 17-24, a food pantry, Faith & Finance classes, recovery support, and three thrift store locations.
Christian Job Corps of Madison County inspires and empowers women and men toward self-sufficiency by equipping them with essential skills to improve their lives. We offer job-readiness classes and a mentoring program. Our desire is that each individual begin or grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Ongoing volunteer opportunities include: mentoring, meal providers, special event coordinators, tutors, preparing notebooks for students (this is a special Willowbrook-sponsored volunteer opportunity).
Christian Women’s Job Corps of Madison County, Alabama, Inc., began in 1998, when four local women attended the first national training in Birmingham sponsored by the Women’s Missionary Union of the Southern Baptist Convention. Many people from this county were involved in opening our local site, which started with one class serving nine students in September of 1998. In 2020, CWJC became Christian Job Corps, as they launched the Christian Men’s Job Corps program to help men gain job and life skills.
Responds to small & large disasters that are local, state, interstate, and international. Respond at the level of God’s calling. Each volunteer goes through classroom and lab training, has a background check, and is provided a nationally recognized badge. This badge allows teams to serve in some of the hardest hit areas that may be blocked off by official agencies. They know we are safe, trained, and equipped to care for the people.
Ongoing needs: men & women with servant hearts for service during disasters in all areas – administration, childcare, chaplaincy, mass feeding, communications, chainsaw, clean-up, shower trailer, etc. Also volunteers with mechanical skills in maintaining equipment.
For Life Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose goal is to educate, equip, and enpower families in out community to achieve their educational, financial, and personal goals. We form relationships with families at our monthly fellowship times when they pick up their gas vouchers and food each month. We also provide them with information about resources available in the community to help them reach their goals. Families who are part of For Life Ministries can also apply for assistance with educational expenses or unexpected living expenses such as home and car repairs.
You can sponsor for $50 a month, which will provide food and gas vouchers. If you would like to provide snacks or volunteer at one of the fellowship times, email jennifer@forlifeministries.org.
Through the love of Christ we foster generational and socioeconomic change by loving the people of Gurley where they are, cultivating authentic relationships, discipling with biblical truth, and empowering spiritual, personal, and professional growth.
35% of the families in Southeastern Madison County have a yearly income of less than $24,999. 60% of the children in Madison County Elementary School receive Free/Reduced Breakfast-Lunch assistance. 15% of the nearly 12,000 children in our county are living in poverty. Our goal is to support local churches, schools and our neighbors. Graces has done everything from equestrian day camps to discipleship classes, home renovations to a yearly Christmas Store and many other things.
The Huntsville Inner City Learning Center is a Christ-centered organization partnering with schools, families, and our community to help students with limited opportunities become life-long learners, responsible citizens, and high school graduates.
The Inner City Learning Center provides children grades K–8th with a highly structured, disciplined after-school program from 3–6 pm Mondays – Thursdays. Through consistent mentoring and tutoring we grow our students in these areas: Homework, Reading, and Math; Health & Fitness; Biblical Knowledge; Gardening. The daily goal of the Center is to provide children with a safe environment that is enriching and conducive to learning. Volunteers play a pivotal role in ensuring that students leave the center well-fed, prepared for the next day’s classes, filled with a sense of accomplishment, and better equipped to deal with life’s obstacles.
HPRC, a ministry of Choose Life of North Alabama, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit ministry. We have provided free and confidential help for those facing pregnancy-related decisions since 1981.
Choose Life is a ministry filled with opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Each year, Willowbrook hosts a baby shower to supply the needs for the moms at Choose Life who have chosen life for their babies. The new baby gift that you bring will be such a blessing to the mom and her baby. Your gift may be the only new gift they receive. Each time a lady joins the program “Life Choices,” she is given the gospel, practical life advice, Godly wisdom and a new baby gift. Please donate a new baby gift whether it be clothing or a larger item like a stroller or pack and play. The greatest need for these women is a pack and play. Some cannot afford a baby bed, so this is a great option for them. This is a good opportunity for your life group to go in together as an outreach. All gifts are appreciated!
In 2002, the Lincoln community, a 1.5-mile area just minutes from downtown Huntsville, was riddled with crime and poverty. Parents were frustrated and exhausted from living in unsafe conditions and facing overwhelming obstacles as they tried to provide for their families. Despair and hopelessness set in. One man felt compelled to enter the darkness and bring the light of Christ. Thousands of others followed, and Lincoln Village Ministry began. Lincoln Village Ministry’s mission is to help people experience restoration and redemption through a transforming relationship with Christ.
Lincoln schools are centrally located within our community and provide a supportive learning environment. Our educational model offers year-round opportunities for growth from preschool to beyond high school. The Lincoln experience is more than just an education; children are nourished, encouraged, and valued for who they are in Christ.
Lincoln Village Ministry has also restored the community by acquiring and renovating homes and providing save and affordable housing for families. Support in every aspect of life has helped move families from surviving to thriving.
Manna House is a 501(c)3 Public Charity that provides food assistance to those in need. We are supported by contributions from individuals, churches, civic groups, and businesses. While some food is donated and locally grown most is purchased for our distribution programs.
We have nightly distribution on Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 4-7 pm. We offer a daily provision of food for individuals, families, and the homeless in our community. We welcome anyone in need every time we are open. Primary foods available include canned goods, bread, breakfast items, and desserts. Volunteers are welcome anytime between 2-7 pm. We also run a backpack program, providing snacks and ready-to-eat foods for elementary school children who lack adequate food supplies on the weekend. Sponsoring a child in this program currently cost $14 per month. Volunteers pack bags on Wednesdays 2:30-6:30 pm. Finally, we offer Mom-to-Mom which provides diapers, wipes, clothing, equipment and lots of love to expectant mothers, new moms, and preschool moms.
Meals on Wheels provides one nutritious meal Monday-Friday, year-round (some holidays excluded) to seniors age 60 or over who are unable to cook for themselves or are housebound in the Huntsville City limits. The meals include an entree, vegetable, fruit, bread, and milk and are prepared by a registered dietician at the senior center. Volunteers deliver meals to the client’s home between 11am and 12:30pm. Our delivery day is the first Monday of each month. Help with a route, or sign up for the sub list to fill in when someone is sick.
The National Network of Youth Ministries desires to step out and work alongside youth leaders and other caring adults locally and nationally to reach and equip young people for Jesus Christ. Networking means leveraging our efforts – working together. And “together” means all of us – youth workers, teenage leaders, parents and other adults.
Robert Norton serves as the North Alabama Area Coordinator. For more than 25 years, Robert has been following the model of ministry from the life of Christ, which has resulted in him being used to build and strengthen disciple-making movements in multiple communities. At the heart and focus of Jesus’ relational disciple-making is unity experienced through our identity as children of God.
There is also a need for hostesses to serve and interact with these women while their cars are being served. To serve as a hostess, send us an email at oil@willowbrook.org. If you would like to serve on the “Pit Crew Team” you may also email us at oil@willowbrook.org and request to be added to the notification list. The notification list will also give you more information on service options.
The mission of Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
Kairos of Alabama operates as a State Chapter and serves in prisons and jails through a contractual agreement with the Warden and Chaplain of each unit. At present, we are in 16 units (prisons & jails) across the State of Alabama (we are opening more units from time to time). We are blessed to minister to family members with Kairos Outside Ministries.

Church in Huntsville, AL
7625 Bailey Cove Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35802
P | 256.883.0907
446 Jeff Rd NW, Huntsville, AL 35806
P | 256.970.6565
Sunday Service Times
Huntsville Campus
8:00, 9:15, & 10:45 AM
Madison Campus
9:15 & 10:45 AM
Huntsville Campus
Madison Campus