“Hosanna to the Son of David!”

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

I can almost imagine what it would have been like to experience this in person. I can imagine the crowds of people lining the dusty road and the palm branches. I can imagine people lining the road with their cloaks. I can almost imagine the excitement that must have been in the air as Jesus was honored in this way. The buzz had to have grown as he got closer to Jerusalem. It’s Palm Sunday. We often think about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and the celebration it must have been. We imagine this to be a joyful, celebratory time, and it certainly was. However, it was also a bit different to the other triumphal entries that would have been commonplace in Roman culture. Typically, these types of celebrations were reserved for military heroes, those who had significant success. I can also imagine the commotion that would be going on in the city. There would have been quite a large number of people in Jerusalem for the Passover, and surely they would want to know who was coming in this way. I can imagine the whispers of curiosity asking who is this?

Jesus didn’t have the chariots or the soldiers escorting him to the city. Instead, he had the young donkey and his group of misfit disciples. He knew that this would be his last trip into Jerusalem and he knew what would transpire in the days to come. I am grateful that he went anyway. I’m grateful that he was willing to be the sacrifice to redeem mankind. I’m grateful for the hope that comes through what he suffered and that he ultimately was raised from the dead.

As we move into this Holy Week, let’s not get so excited about the resurrection that we forget to reflect on the events that lead us to resurrection Sunday. Let’s reflect on Jesus’ visit to the temple, the Last Supper, the prayer in the garden, his arrest, his trial, his pain and suffering, and his crucifixion. Let’s take time this week to remember the significance of what Jesus endured that led us to the resurrection and the very reason that we celebrate Resurrection Sunday!

Reflecting this Holy Week together with you,

~ Pastor Todd