Matthew 13 – a passage many of us are familiar with, yet also one that we do not always truly apply in our own lives. Friday evening at our service during Celebrate Life, the speak spoke on this parable. His message has stuck with me all evening and all morning. The parable is about a farmer who scatters seed not just on the good soil, but also on the rocks, the path, and the thorns. To anyone who knows anything about farming, this doesn’t make much sense. However, we serve a God who does not act like we do when we think something does not make sense. Instead, he scatters the seed, His grace and mercy, freely with no concern for where it lands. Our part is just to accept that fee gift of grace and mercy, helping others to see our God for who he is. When we simply receive, our hearts become good soil. It might take some time to remove the rocks and thorns, but when God does a work in us, he is faithful to complete that work in us. That is good news!

If I am being honest, I was worn out and almost skipped this service to get some sleep. However, I am so glad I went. It was encouraging and refreshing to watch teens rededicate their lives to Christ. It was encouraging to see at least ten who stood up to acknowledge they had accepted Christ for the first time. It was encouraging to see all of the pastors (lead, associate, youth) line the perimiter of the room to be available to pray with students and be praying blessings over them. I know there are times when we are discouraged or just plain not wanting to go to worship, but I would encourage you to push through! Every time I do, God is faithful to provide refreshing and renewal and encouragement in my own heart and life.

On the journey together,
~ Pastor Todd