Can you imagine being in the room that day? What confusion there must have been? The sights, sounds, and feelings? I’m not sure that I can truly imagine all the wonder, confusion, chaos, joy, and amazement that day, but it is sure fun to think about. If you haven’t already figured it out, I’m talking about the upper room on the day of Pentecost when the church was gathered together, led by the apostles, who were waiting on the promised Comforter and Guide that Jesus promised. And boy did the Holy Spirit show up and show out that day.

The wind….The tongues of fire…..The many languages being spoken…..I can only imagine how wonderful it was to be there and experience something that had never happened before. Then Peter preaches and by the end of the day thousands, yes I said thousands, were added to the number of believers that day. The church was born and it spread quickly. The church grew so quickly that the apostles had to figure out what to do about it. What a great problem to have!

The problem we have today, however, is that we love to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church, but at the same time, we tend to think that it was something that happened then. The reality is, the Holy Spirit is still with us and among us today! The challenge is, I think that many of us do not believe that something like this could truly happen today, in 2023, in a post-modern and secular America. The reality is that God can still move through the Holy Spirit, we just need to anticipate that work! We need to believe and pray for a moving of the Holy Spirit so powerful that people will come to Jesus in record numbers. Who’s with me? Let’s have faith that the Spirit can still move and pray with anticipation and expectation that it will happen in our midst and in our time!

Praying for a mighty moving of God
~ Pastor Todd