We are spending the summer walking through many of the parables of Jesus. The definition of parable is “a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.” Jesus uses stories such as these to help us understand more about God’s Kingdom as well as learn characteristics of what our lives in Christ should resemble.

This week we will dig into the parable of the Good Samaritan. There is much wisdom for us in this parable as it relates to understanding who our neighbor is and how we should act toward our neighbor. Spoiler alert, our neighbor is everyone. Not just someone we live physically near, or someone who we come across on a regular basis, but also those we come across who need our help or just need us to show kindness and compassion. We are called to be Christlike disciples, and our lives should more closely resemble Christ the longer we serve him and learn more about God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Join me in having an open mind to what the Lord might have for us each individually during these weeks. I am praying for a mighty revealing of God through our worship and study.

On the journey together,
~Pastor Todd