Today is Transfiguration Sunday. I want you to imagine with me for a moment what the three disciples who were with Jesus witnessed – what they thought, heard, saw, and felt. The three of them with Jesus. All of a sudden there were two additional men talking with Jesus – Elijah and Moses. This experience was preparing the disciples for what was coming next, helping them to connect Jesus’s sovereignty to his upcoming suffering. They see Jesus transformed into his divine glory – something they had not yet experienced. It was the teaching moment of teaching moments. It was meant to help the disciples realize there was more to the story and more that God had in store for them.

Here are some thoughts for us to ponder this week as we think about the transfiguration:

  • Just like these disciples, as we follow Jesus, he will prepare us to face the next situation in our lives. He is the great I AM who is for us and will be with us.
  • As we follow Jesus into our unknown future, it would benefit us to also “listen to him.” His words are for us. Jesus had been predicting what was to come, but the disciples had not yet grasped this teaching.
  • Life is bigger than what our eyes can see.
  • This glimpse of Jesus in the transfiguration reminds us that God’s Kingdom is not yet fully realized in our current time.

As we enter the Lenten season, let us keep our eyes focused on Jesus. May we truly listen to him during these weeks ahead to what he has to teach us about ourselves and God’s Kingdom.

Praying for Jesus to be with us in a fresh way this Lenten season,

~ Pastor Todd